Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day One - about me :)

Yesterday I was happy to get in and out of the grocery store without too much spent - mostly just produce and things to restock.  I then 'splurged' because Lowe's Foods is having a 25% off Meat Sale.  So I stocked up mostly on ground meats to have for the fall - we have a lot of chili in this house.  But I've been inspired to pre-make some meals and put them in the freezer.  So I hope to do that soon...when an abundance of time presents itself perhaps.

In trying to get better about being on my blog, I thought I'd accept this 30-day challenge I found via Pinterest.  It seems pretty interesting for sure!

Some basic things about myself:

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Eating at home...

...despite our best efforts, this was quite the week.  We didn't eat at home as much as we'd like, but we did try.  It is hard when you're having work done on the house to not want to get out and eat out - simply to get out!  But this week is going to work better.  I'm thankful for a tip I read about meal planning, which is nothing more than common sense, that suggests you write down your calendar before you decide what to make/buy.  Sometimes I'll plan a week of meals, and then realize I've got 5 days of lunches with folks and am away 3 of the nights. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Catching up...

Slowly approaching the 'lazy dayz' of summer...wherever those might be?!  As I get to hang out with kids and young people - who are free during the summer - these months are generally quite busy.  But I'm looking forward to a few days in the mountains with the hubs come back to school.  My mom always liked this commercial...and now I can see why (facetiously of course!)  hehe!

As its been quite the summer...I've not had the chance to keep up with cooking/blogging about my meals.  Though I've been blessed with time to putz around spice stores and chat over cooking many times over.  I've also found two things:
- Waking up so early, I tend to have time/energy to put together a meal for later before I even think about breakfast
- Cooking in the summer is hard!  You don't want to turn on that oven as it gets so hot in the house.  And I seem to find soups and baking up squash easier to do in the fall - but summer meals seem to be harder.  Would love your suggestions.