Sunday, September 4, 2011


I see lots of leaves! Leaves of lettuce and carrot-tops! However, the leaves of the broccoli and cauliflower have disappeared. :( The ones that remain have many holes in them. Bugs? I don't know what I'm doing, clearly... but I still water the plants!

The flowers I planted last week are also starting to sprout, but the lavender has yet to sprout up. On Saturday morning I bought new seeds: oregano, rosemary, and other spices. I hope to plant them some time this week and set them alongside the lavender. Or I might start the garden inside. It is supposed to be a rainy beginning to this week, so that could prove beneficial for plant growth!

I did an OK job of keeping things watered despite the 5 days of classes. It is a good way to stay grounded, as I've said previously, but admittedly it is tough to add one more thing to a busy morning routine. I did pretty well with keeping up with devotions this week also; I am reading "The Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. It is awesome. I've also kept up with my exercise routine and I'm feeling like the legs are holding up alright!

One thing I hope to do LESS of this week is snack. Being back in school makes me crave munchies while sitting in class. My appetite hasn't really changed, so I hope this careless grazing stops!! :)

Hope all of you have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. UGH, BUGS! They destroyed my garden this year. Get a pesticide stat and show them who's boss. Seriously, they do not go away until they're sprayed away. As for the grazing, I recommend switching it up to grazing on fruits and veggies. If you've gotta eat, might as well make it a low-calorie snack. That way you're full but without the guilt.
