On the way! |
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Sitting upright with arms up at the sides - you can see the nose and mouth a little bit :) |
In the meantime it's been a unique experience so far!
Gummy Bear!
At week 10 we had an ultrasound, and the tech described the unformed limbs as like a gummy bear. I like that little pet name for now :)
I feel like if you googled "pregnancy symptoms" I've had at least a taste of many of them thus far. At first it wasn't too bad. Right around six weeks - which was mid-July - the fatigue set in! I would take a nap around 12:30 - wake up at 2 and head back to sleep at 2:30-ish until dinner time. I am not one to lounge around - so it was bizarre to get up in the morning and think "I wish I could just sleep the entire day." Or have a day of simply watching Netflix and think at dinner time - "I'm completely exhausted."
Finally made time to clean out the 'nursery' - had a ton of stuff! |
That shifted to a general nausea feeling, which quickly transitioned to full out sickness every day - morning and evening and throughout the night. I'd wake up and nibble on some crackers - but often I'd still be awake an hour later. So I'd make some fairly elaborate snacks at 3 AM - sandwiches, cheese and crackers platter, anything with protein that seemed edible at the time.
I've been very congested and sneezy also, which I've read is 'normal.' Though I'm not as fatigued as I was back in July - I still have zero energy, and expending much tends to result in greater sickness and mandatory time on the couch. By and large I am ok in the morning and throughout the day until around 7PM - and then I'm quite miserable.
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Not my own pic - but this looks awesome |
Food and drink
Yeah I am disappointed that I'm not at the "mmmmm FOOOD" stage I've heard rumors about. Generally I try to think of what sounds the most tolerable at the moment, which amazingly comes with precision. I've had some very bad bets - including lasagna and salad. At the moment I seem to do best with some lean protein and fake cheese sauce/melted American cheese. Many times I wish I could go without food, but empty stomach is never good. I can name a zillion things that sound terrible to me - including pretty much any raw veggies, fruit, and peanut butter - but aside from cake (CAKE!), I don't crave anything ever.
I don't really drink coffee anymore. I really didn't understand how anyone could give up coffee on the spot - until now. Iced tea's been a good charm though! Drinking water is the best thing you can do I hear - and just isn't happening. I try - but the feeling of water just sitting in my stomach is super unpleasant. Ick.
For most of the summer - and even now - I (we've) subsisted on Biscuitville, Panera, Chick Fil A and Greek Fiesta. My dear husband's been a champ and very supportive - in every way, but especially when it comes to food. There for a LONG while I couldn't even walk into a grocery store - but "cooking" is coming more naturally these days. Microwave works great!
I cooked for the wing contest. It was exhausting, but fun! |
At 15 weeks I'm just up 5 pounds, which I suppose is on track? Interestingly it all came in one two-day spurt - going steady for 8 weeks with no weight gain, and no more since. Coincidentally I'd spent a long weekend with family and friends in VA - so it was clearly influential! :) I did have to gain about 12 pounds in order to kickstart the whole fertility thing - so not worried at this point. I do seem to have a bigger belly and shorts/pants are not comfy anymore. I did have a shopping spree at Macy's a while back and got those pants and skirts with the stretchy waistband. Those jeans are the best thing ever - I'm not going back!
Interestingly I've gotten sick most every time I've gone for a walk. I don't go at any rapid pace by any means - strolling along with Buddy and sniffing whatever we see. So I'm not pushing myself too much. Similarly, I also had to curb running and my strength building videos last March - so I am trying to receive this as a season of rest. I am getting into yoga some - its hard to get geared up for it initially as there's no cardio-high - but afterwards I always feel incredible!! Now that the humidity is gone and temps are lower I am itching to get back outside again. My in-laws are already checking into baby joggers - stoked!
Just for Fun
I love this commercial. Always makes me smile. :) Especially the line at the end "eh - I feel like it makes me look pregnant."
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