Saturday, November 24, 2012


Obviously didn't get too far with the 'Thanksgiving' theme of the month.  I felt - as with some trends - that it was a bit forced.  But I do think the intentionality of developing a life of gratitude is also incredibly important.  I am thankful for the example of so many FB friends who consistently shared what they are thankful for - and it helped me to pause and reflect for myself...

And that is something I look forward to with Christmas.  I love the intentionality of using the brief time before Christmas day to generate joy and love with every aspect of life - food, decorations, activities, even mail!  It can be overwhelming - because we try to cram so many traditions into a short period of time.  And each activity is so precious and anticipated all year.  But I hope to live each day with the spirit of anticipation and gratitude, realizing not everything will happen, but what will happen is more important than what doesn't.

I look forward to taking time to enjoy each and every day of the month of December.  And I'm thankful for the 6 days left in November to plan for it!!

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