Saturday, November 24, 2012


Obviously didn't get too far with the 'Thanksgiving' theme of the month.  I felt - as with some trends - that it was a bit forced.  But I do think the intentionality of developing a life of gratitude is also incredibly important.  I am thankful for the example of so many FB friends who consistently shared what they are thankful for - and it helped me to pause and reflect for myself...

And that is something I look forward to with Christmas.  I love the intentionality of using the brief time before Christmas day to generate joy and love with every aspect of life - food, decorations, activities, even mail!  It can be overwhelming - because we try to cram so many traditions into a short period of time.  And each activity is so precious and anticipated all year.  But I hope to live each day with the spirit of anticipation and gratitude, realizing not everything will happen, but what will happen is more important than what doesn't.

I look forward to taking time to enjoy each and every day of the month of December.  And I'm thankful for the 6 days left in November to plan for it!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Day two (2):  Thankful for the gift of love - especially as seen shared so freely and generously by my friends.  I fear that since beginning seminary and the pursuit of 'my call' - I have lost sight of what its like to love others unconditionally.  I've lost sight of love as a noun - giving it away and deliberately seeking out ways to give and show love.
So I am thankful for the ones around me who continue to exemplify such selfless living.  My friends and family are my strength; with their example, I will live into this same pattern of living.  And in the meantime, I am the blessed recipient of selfless acts of kindness and grace beyond measure.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Readily - day 1

I like to follow the latest trends - and in FB it seems to be using November as a month of THANKS!  Gratitude is an incredible gift for the soul, perhaps even moreso than for those we surround ourselves with.


The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
gratefulness - thankfulness - thanks - appreciation

I like this.  I also feel it is a quality that I must strive for daily, as I'm so quick to judge - to break down and identify negatives.  How can I learn to be READY to show appreciation?  The answer: learn from others!  Case in point - this Facebook initiative of daily identifying things I am thankful for. 

Today (Nov 1) - I am thankful for the true gift and blessing of my husband.  To have someone in my life that loves me so unconditionally and forgives me so readily, who loves his family deeply, and who trusts in God above all.  I seek to follow after his example in all that I do and say.  And to return his love - 'readily'.