I am thankful for this new year of life. 30 was a great year - so much happened, and I learned a lot about myself. But in this new year, I anticipate even greater things to abound.
I know it seems silly to think I'm "older" - even as I serve alongside folks who are in their mid-90's!! But I feel I'm starting to gain a bit of perspective. And one of the most important lessons is the value of time. It seems to be the one resource that is not renewable. Each day comes and goes - and the necessity to make it count becomes ever more urgent. I am trying to slow down and take it all in, but the moments are ever fleeting.
One thing that seemed to 'haunt' me in the past few months was the desire to capture these moments - perhaps because they are so fleeting. A special event. A well-made meal. A new insight. A new friend, even. I am hopeful that in this new year, I'll take time to record these moments of gratitude. Much of life is to be lived, and memories made to cherish. But recording how these special highlights affect my perspective is an invaluable investment of time and energy.
There are certain things now that I am starting to enjoy even more now.
- An incredible sunset, where the sky seems vast, colors flow in and out and change with the rising and setting of the sun.
- Escaping into time with music, and allowing words, tones, bass notes and beautiful voices to carry me into vastness.
- Walking along paths through the trees, whether on harder rock or soft sand, taking time to appreciate each step and the surroundings.
- Recognition of voices, loving the familiarity of friends' unique laughter, speech, and hearing certain stories over and again.
As I begin to trade in my running shoes for a yoga mat, I'm thankful for the centeredness it is bringing to my life. And I hope that each day continues to center around the grace found in Jesus. The redemption that comes with surrendering ambition and being hopeful and assured that renewal follows.